



We deliver Christ-centered learning, kid-centered fun for preschoolers.

Pathway preschool 2024-25 registration…

  • opening for new families beginning January 7 at 9 am.

  • For current families, registration will be available on your family jovial portal beginning January 1.


Pathway Preschool Class Descriptions


Tuesday and Thursday, 9am-11:30am

Should be 3 years old by September 1, and potty trained.

Tuition: $95 per month


Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 9am-11:30am or 12:30pm-3pm

Should be 4 years old by December 1, and potty trained.

Tuition: $125 per month


Monday-Friday, 9am-11:30am

Should be 4 years old by September 1, and potty trained.

Tuition: $170 per month


Monday-Friday, 9am-2pm

Should be 4.5 years old by September 1, and potty trained.

Must have completed at least one year of preschool.

Tuition: $300 per month


Please note that class placement is fluid and based on availability and individual circumstances.

The most important part of our preschool is that our students learn through biblical teachings. They are a gift and blessing from God, who is our Creator and loves us unconditionally.

Our curriculum is designed to enhance the social, emotional, and intellectual development of each child. We also focus on physical development through enhancing fine and gross motor skills. Academically, your child will gain experience in basic math, fine arts, life skills, science, literacy, and so much more.

Our teachers and assistant teachers are degreed and have obtained the required state and FBI clearances as well as up to date CPR training.

Preschool Summer Camp

Looking for a unique program to keep your young ones smiling this summer? Then join us for a “Wild Wilderness Adventure!” We’ll sing by the campfire, eat s’mores, play games, go on a “bear” hunt, make crafts, and learn all about loving our neighbor! This awesome preschool camp will take place the week of June 3-7 and you can choose a morning or afternoon time slot. Camp activities will be structured in two-, three-, or four-day blocks depending on your child’s age. Registration opens on April 1, so sign up early because space will be limited. If you have questions, email Colleen Curti at

RAP Staff

RAP Staff

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Director of Pathway Preschool



We’d love to hear from you! If you are considering enrolling your child but still have a few questions, click the tab below to connect with Director Colleen Curti, or read our digital handbook for parents.


Preschool Readiness Checklist

Is your child ready for preschool? Here’s a list of developmental milestones that can help you decide.


2023-24 Information


School Calendars

Choose a Children's Environment

Attention Parents: Would you like to use our Gospel Project curriculum to teach your children at home? Click on the tab above for a brief overview and a link to access the online materials.